Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thanks for Kantner’s Ambler Road commentary

I have supported Mary Peltola in her campaign to replace Don Young as Alaska’s sole presence in the U.S. House of Representatives and voted for her on Nov. 8. She was by far the best choice of the candidates who will be on the ballot. That said, I am troubled by what Seth Kantner had to say about Peltola in his recent commentary.  

Like Seth, I am adamantly opposed to the proposed Ambler Road, for a variety of reasons, and it disturbs me that Peltola has not only voiced support for the project, but also has stated that this industrial project has strong local support. From what I’ve been able to learn — and as Seth noted in his commentary — that is far from the truth. My understanding is that local residents, most of them Alaska Natives, are largely opposed to the Ambler Road because of the threat it would pose to fish and wildlife in the region and the residents’ subsistence lifestyles.  

Given the pro-development mindset of many (and likely most) Alaskans, it is to Peltola’s advantage to support this project. But I agree with Seth, Mary Peltola should make a greater effort to spend time in the region and talk at length with the people who live there and whose lives could be harmed by this industrial road, rather than align herself with corporate interests. I thank Seth for bringing this to the public’s attention and hope that Mary Peltola will reconsider her stance on this important issue.

— Bill Sherwonit


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Bill Sherwonit

Anchorage nature writer Bill Sherwonit is the author of more than a dozen books, including "Alaska's Bears" and "Animal Stories: Encounters with Alaska's Wildlife."