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Though I am not a member of the Green Party, I believe it needs to be a larger part of our national political and cultural conversation.
We humans are making large parts of our world uninhabitable for both our species and many others. And ain’t that a shame?
I took an unexpected fork in the trail and I headed down a path that I wish to celebrate here, 50 years later.
Both our parks and we Alaskans deserve so much better.
I can’t emphasize enough the excellent work done by the volunteer crews and the trail-building (or repair) expertise of those who led this project.
Now we face a new dynamic: a former prosecutor going up against a convicted felon and pathological liar.
Many knowledgeable biologists, both inside and outside Fish and Game, strongly disagree with the state’s official position.
I won’t get into all the reasons, from economic to environmental, that the natural gas line is a bad idea, but I applaud the activists’ effort to stop it.
It’s really not so difficult to peacefully coexist with bears. Sure, it takes some work to learn the proper etiquette. But it’s worth the effort.
I have written several pieces critical of — and lamenting — this state-run travesty. And I’ll continue to do so as long as it continues.
Sometimes when the morning is mild and the air is still and alive with birdsong, I simply stand in the yard or street a while, eyes closed and mouth spread in a grin.
Our state’s political leaders should be doing all they can to learn more about what’s gone wrong in the DOC.
It seems sad that the state can wage war on bears and wolves within a state park that was established to protect fish and wildlife.
In rejecting the cease-fire resolution, the Assembly sent the message that it condones what is happening in Gaza — or, at best, doesn’t care enough to act.
My experience of both the world and self continue to deepen and expand as I grow older. Emphasis on grow.