Letters to the Editor

Letter: Recognition for veterans

Alaska and Anchorage have enjoyed the benefits of our state containing the highest number of military veterans per capita of any state in the nation. The latest recognition of that fact will be the hosting of the 2019 National Golden Age Veterans Games here from June 5-10. The program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

The annual gathering provides more than two dozen competitive events for both men and women veterans. It is a sports and recreational competition for qualified veterans over age 55 who receive health care services from the VA. All skill levels are represented by the events — table tennis, swimming, track and field, horseshoes and much more. This senior adaptive rehabilitation program also benefits visually impaired and wheelchair competitors. Hundreds of veterans from all over the nation will arrive to participate, supported by a large cadre of local volunteers.

The success of this year’s games in Anchorage will be due in no small measure to the tireless efforts of Ms. Jeanne M. Fox, Voluntary Services Officer at the local VA facility in Muldoon. Jeanne has made countless appearances in our region over many months, promoting the games, soliciting volunteers, and raising funds to combine with limited VA funding.For more information, go to www.va.gov and scroll down to “Adaptive Sports and Special Events.” You might also call the Volunteer Services Office at 257-4949 to get a schedule of events and to sign up as a volunteer.

— Tim Benintendi


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