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Attention to small conventional service needs as well as the large public issues will serve us all and help restore a senseof pride in our community.
Recent apologists in these columns for the mayor’s and governor’s snow removal teams are generally rhetorical and add nothing to the need for specific remedial action.
News of the latest cynical attempt at revising legislative compensation was unfortunate, to say the least.
We have accepted less and less quality of service from municipal leaders who are paid to at least moderate winter storm conditions. Major storms amplify the shortcomings.
Compromise and productivity are the measures of success. This election cycle, don’t vote the shallow image-bashing.
I’m an odd old bone now, but not too old to ever forget my exposure to the realities of the Holocaust.
I support increasing the base legislative salary, but do not support any per diem consideration. None.
Consideration of a “one time overdraw, just this once,” is an open invitation for future overdraws that will be irreplaceable.
Where are those voices now who have railed for years about keeping hands off the Permanent Fund?
Our nation has taken its citizens to war much too easily.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski: Thank you. Reach down deep. Keep speaking out.
Alaska and Anchorage have enjoyed the benefits of our state containing the highest number of military veterans per capita of any state in the nation.
OPINION: It is imperative that the United States become a full treaty partner with other member nations, especially those with Arctic claims, in order to take cooperative action.
This Veterans Day, we pause to recognize the sacrifices of family members, loved ones, friends, neighbors and even strangers who have worn the nation's military uniforms and defended our way of life.