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We should worry less about AI-generated lies and more about the humans seeking them out.
An ingenious new research paper shows the link between patience and academic achievement.
Big changes are in the offing, but they will arrive slowly. Classroom practices, for better or worse, are among the stickiest of human institutions.
A one-sentence statement signed by a long list of industry experts is impressive in its humility but tone-deaf about politics.
How happy are Americans, really? This country has its troubles, surely, but a new study suggests things may be better than they seem.
Some of the worst misinformation of today is about the supposedly wonderful past.
When it comes to the danger of the pandemic, America is still not thinking rationally about risk.
Why epidemiologists and doctors may have different ideas about how fast Covid-19 will spread.
In the United States, this process likely will go at full speed ahead.
Who rules best -- the citizenry as a whole, or academia? There are vital roles for both.