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The selection committee considered 362 nominations for the Class of 2024.
Including a new COO for Alaska Communications, a new executive director for the Kodiak History Museum and a new president and CEO for the The Alaska Community Foundation.
The company had already kicked off initial work on the $8 billion project, but the announcement marks the company’s final go-ahead to bring the development to first oil.
The Anchorage Economic Development Corp. Board of Directors announced has selected Jenna Wright for the role of president and CEO.
Peter Pan Seafood Company, LLC recently promoted Shannon Grant to vice president of human resources.
For the past three years, the late run of Kenai River king salmon has been too small to meet the escapement goal, leading Alaska state biologists to place restrictions on close-to-shore sockeye fisheries.
Some of the same supply chain challenges that are driving prices higher for everything from appliances to coffee beans are also pushing the Anchorage airport’s cargo business to new heights.
Department of Natural Resources representatives declined to attend a July 27 legislative hearing on the proposed changes because they are in a “quiet period” while they respond to public comments, said House Fisheries Committee chair Geran Tarr.
The corporation has achieved full-year returns greater than 20 percent just three times in the history of the fund, the greatest being a 25.6 percent return in 1985.
The filing indicates leaders of Hilcorp and the other Prudhoe owners have agreed to drill up to six wells in the Orion participating area by next spring.
The launch from Russia keeps OneWeb on track to offer broadband capacity to Alaska, with access sold through local retailers, before the year’s end.