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Perhaps it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it’s the countries formerly within the sphere of the Soviet Union that are fearlessly rejecting cultural Marxism while much of Western Europe has been completely lobotomized by it.
Instead of whining about Trump threatening divorce, these countries would best serve their citizens by looking around to fill their dance cards more intelligently to better secure their needs in the long term.
Establishment leaders in the U.S. and Europe still haven't grasped that globalization's victims refuse to be sheep.
PARIS — Here in France, members of the deeply entrenched establishment elite are confident that the result of next week’s American presidential election is a foregone conclusion. They’re convinced that the American people will reject “vulgarity.” Former French Minister of Foreign Affairs Hubert Vedrine, a permanent establishment fixture, declared to BFM TV: “There is little … Continue reading In France, Clinton is a foregone conclusion
PARIS — When you filter out all the background noise generated by the first presidential debate between Republican nominee Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, you realize that this contest isn’t about right versus left at all. Just throw out the old paradigms of Republican and Democrat, because they no longer apply. In the … Continue reading Trump offers middle class a shot at prosperity; Clinton offers status quo
When the anti-aircraft fire intensifies, it’s usually a sign you’re directly over the target. Various branches of the establishment — Wall Street, the military-industrial complex, the media — are now unleashing their arsenal on the Trump campaign. Two of the most media-friendly Wall Streeters, Michael Bloomberg and Warren Buffett, have been trotted out to tell … Continue reading Establishment goes all out to sink Trump
The self-styled “party of unity” has been exposed as a collection of manipulative dividers. The facade that Democrats present to American voters is crumbling. WikiLeaks has released more than 19,000 internal emails from Democratic National Committee officials, claiming that the massive leak is merely Part 1 of a “Hillary Leaks” series. The emails reveal DNC … Continue reading Democrats’ hypocrisy exposed in emails revelation
PARIS — Last week, the citizens of the United Kingdom decided by majority vote to pull out of the European Union. One thing that voters probably didn’t consider was that world governing bodies such as the EU are rampant with espionage. Global governance institutions act as permanent installations in and around which intelligence officers can … Continue reading Brexiting a spy nest