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I truly believe that Tulsi Gabbard is the person to straighten all this out.
I feel very comfortable that Ambassador Sfraga will provide a good, balanced outlook on all of these interests in his new position.
On balance, the gas line would be overwhelmingly beneficial to Alaskans and to the planet.
Is this the authoritarianism that the good professor is talking about?
As they age, some people want to slow down and retire. Others realize the limited time they have and work even harder before their time is up.
Although the district states that this will require some difficult transitions, we should all get behind them for a successful implementation.
Stopping the Alaska LNG project wouldn’t mean even one drop less oil or one molecule less natural gas being burned. It would just be produced somewhere else.
Each of the 11 Russian WWII veterans are named on the headstones of their graves, which are identical to the headstones of their U.S. compatriots in the cemetery.
Financing $1.9 billion to fix the Port of Alaska isn’t feasible. But we may have other options.
OPINION: There are risks to oil and gas exploration in the Arctic Ocean, but the benefits to Alaska are worth the chance.
OPINION: Keystone XL isn't necessarily a bad thing for Alaska, and people should contemplate the global situation before they close their minds forever on the issue.