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What if you read the headline, “Alaska’s governor supports stopping ANWR development”? You’d be understandably shocked. But by joining in a lawsuit against Exxon Mobil, that is exactly what Gov. Bill Walker is doing: He’s opposing development of Alaska’s Arctic energy potential. Attorney General Jahna Lindemuth tried last week to explain that the Walker Administration … Continue reading Governor heads down wrong trail in joining Exxon suit
OPINION: Alaska is also the only state in the West to take part in Super Tuesday, which adds to the excitement and the attention were seeing by national media.
OPINION: Walker's reserves tax won't turn on the gas, but will turn off the producers.
OPINION: It is a surprise that Frank Gerjevic would expose his prejudice against Republicans so transparently. His commentary, printed Aug. 20, was especially offensive to me on several levels.
OPINION: The time for an income tax and using the Permanent Fund to pay for Alaska-style big government are at hand. Will anyone be left to pay the bill in the next generation?
OPINION: Columnist Shannyn Moore faithfully peddles a Democratic fairly tale about Begich, Obama and Alaska oil.