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It’s past time to get to work so that we can better understand the causes of these declines and how we can best support healthy salmon returns for future generations.
This year, investors and buyers have been coming to our state in droves to look at the Alaska LNG project.
As is often the case, the challenges of youth mental health are related to other problems our society is facing, particularly addiction and isolation.
The issue of national security has never been more important in the world we live in.
Alaska has rightly earned its place as the center of gravity for America’s Arctic security operations and economic opportunities.
We need to connect our state to realize our great potential — to attract the best and brightest and to keep them here.
Let’s give our Alaska Native Vietnam-era veterans the land they’re owed and honor their legacy of service before it’s too late.
The Iditarod is a vibrant part of Alaska’s heritage and culture — one that should be kept alive.
The promise of our rich resource potential now comes with a plan. Let’s get to work.
We need our military — like we need the rest of the country — to be a place where everyone who joins can breathe freely.
Some have latched onto the word “corporation” and are ignoring both law and history to try to exclude ANCs.
Nothing has dampened the indomitable spirit of Alaska, and we’re confident that this pandemic won’t either.
Through access to legal aid and representation of survivors, we see people begin the process of healing.