For the 23rd year, Anchorage firefighter and police unions hosted Shop With A Cop and Firefighter to help Anchorage families in need. Sixty children from three Anchorage shelters paired up with an officer or firefighter at the Fred Meyer store in Midtown for holiday shopping.
Anchorage Fire Department Capt. Clay Lex said Anchorage Firefighters Union Local 1254 and the Anchorage Police Department Employees Association joined forces with support from Nuvision Credit Union and Fred Meyer to give each child $250 to spend on themselves or their family members. Lex said the children frequently prioritize spending on family members first.
Lex said that police and firefighters take part in the event on their days off in hopes of helping families in need. “It’s a really special time for all of us, and hopefully makes an impact on the child’s life as well,” he said.