
House District 16: Ivy Spohnholz (Democrat)

Party: Democrat

Age: 43

Occupation: Nonprofit Professional

Current Employer: State of Alaska

Employment history: I have worked in executive leadership for local nonprofit and community organizations for the last 20 years, including Abused Women's Aid in Crisis, University of Alaska Anchorage and The Salvation Army.

Previous public office: None

Previous unsuccessful runs for office: None


Postsecondary education: University of Washington, BA in Political Science, 1996, Masters of Public Administration 2014

Military service:

Spouse's Name: Troy Bowler

Children: Iris(18), Kim (18), and Maya 16

Website: IvyForAlaska.com

Why are you running?

I am running with a vision for a sustainable budget that is fair to all Alaskans. We have been fortunate to have enjoyed our state's resource richness for the last thirty years, but with no end in sight for historically low oil prices we have tough decisions to make. I am committed to ensuring Alaska remains a place where hard work can yield a good life for generations to come by building a sustainable and comprehensive fiscal plan that will serve our state's people well.

What was the last book you read?

"Alexander Hamilton" by Ron Chernow

The biggest problem facing the state of Alaska is _______

The need for a sustainable fiscal plan.

Describe three ways you think the state should try to grow and diversify Alaska's economy.

1) Investing in our University so that our young people are prepared to create the jobs and businesses of the future,  2) Continue to develop our broadband/internet accessibility so that information technology is accessible to every part of the state. 3) Explore for new resources and sources of energy including both new oil production sites and also renewables.

Unemployment in rural and off-the-road Alaska is a major issue. What are your ideas for growing a sustainable economy in areas of Alaska that are inaccessible by road?

Building our broadband/internet accessibility throughout the state will open up rural Alaska to the global market It will also improve access to education, healthcare, and business opportunities, removing the roadblocks that are incentivizing some Alaskans to give up on Rural Alaska.

What's one idea you have for improving Alaska's schools?

Use distance education to bring high quality education to rural schools as is being done in Copper River School District where children at multiple schools can participate in one class via the internet. Distance no longer needs to be a barrier to high quality education. This is a great way to tailor education to the needs of children without being limited by location. These investments will yield significant long term cost savings in our education system.


The current University of Alaska budget is:

Too low

The state's minimum public-school size of 10 students to receive state funding is:

About right

Describe your vision of a long-term fiscal plan for Alaska.

I would like to see a fiscal plan with diverse revenue sources so that no one commodity or market is key funder of our state budget. This plan will not rely on any one source of revenue to make up the majority of our revenue and will allow our state to have predictable sources of revenue for the long term. It's the same for the state of Alaska as it is for Alaskan families. Diversification of income and assets is the key to stability.

Do you think that the state should make reductions next year from this year's $3.86 billion agency budget?



The Legislature's line-item operating budget for each agency program run by the state is here: http://www.legfin.akleg.gov/BudgetReports/LY2016/Operating/Enacted/Stwd-AllocationSummaryUGF.pdf. If you think the state budget should be reduced, tell us which three line items you'd reduce most, and by how much. (Use specific line items from the budget)

This is a flaw in the form.

What sources of revenue, if any, do you support using to balance the state budget for the next fiscal year?

Reduce oil tax credits. Increase mining taxes Modest Income tax Restructure the permanent fund Continue to cut the State budget where possible.

What will you do differently from our current Legislature that will get a workable budget passed?

Our current legislature was unwilling to advance any new revenue measures to a floor vote during this legislative session. This next legislature will have a good number of new legislators with a commitment to resolving our fiscal situation. The next legislature, myself included, will be committed to generating a comprehensive fiscal plan and reducing the partisan bickering that has led to paralysis over the previous sessions.

Would you vote to use Permanent Fund earnings to balance the state budget?


If yes, what is the proper proportion between using fund earnings for state revenue vs. using fund earnings for dividends?

~25% for dividends and ~75% state revenue.

Taxation on oil and gas production in Alaska is:

Generally lower than it should be


What is your position on oil tax credits?

We should not be offering tax credits to oil companies while we are deficit spending.

Taxation on other Alaska natural resource industries, like mining and commercial fishing, is:

Generally lower than it should be

Taxation on individual citizens in Alaska is:

Generally lower than it should be


What should state government do to reduce high rates of sexual assault and domestic violence in Alaska?

1) We need to work our way through the backlog of rape kits on file and aggressively prosecute sexual assaulters. We have allowed criminals to be free by not pursuing this evidence. 2) We need to invest in addiction and behavioral health treatment to address the intergenerational trauma that plagues many of our communities. Many perpetrators were themselves seriously abused as a children and never dealt with that trauma. Addressing those issues directly will help to stop the cycle of violence.

The number of Alaska State Troopers and Village Public Safety Officers is:

Less than necessary

If you answered less than necessary or about right to the above question, how would you pay for additions or for keeping the status quo?

New revenues.

What is your position on abortion? 

I am prochoice although I strongly prefer to reduce the number of abortions through robust sexual health education programs and low cost birth control.

Do you anticipate advocating any legislation, policies or budget proposals that would change the status quo regarding abortion in Alaska? If so, what?

We need to make it easier to get birth control by making it possible to go directly to pharmacists to get birth control as is done in other states. Additionally, we need to reduce barriers to solid sexual health education by allowing outside health experts to serve as guest teachers for sexual health education courses.

Do you believe that humans have played a role in climate change or global warming?


If yes, what's humanity's role in causing it? If not, why is Alaska warming?

We have been using fossil fuels which release carbon dioxide into the air with their use. Climate Change has been speeding up as the rate of our use of fossil fuels has grown over the last century.

What measures should the state take to respond to climate change?

1) Slow down its acceleration by reducing our dependency on fossil fuels. We have lots of opportunities to use alternative energy including wind, solar, hydro, tidal and geothermal energy in many parts of Alaska.  2) Respond to the impacts of climate change by helping coastal villages struggling with climate change induced erosion move further inland.  3) Ensure Alaskans on the front lines of climate change have an opportunity to communicate their experiences and needs to the outside world.

Are there specific wildlife and fisheries management concerns that you intend to focus on as a legislator?


Who are you voting for in the presidential election? In one sentence, why?

Hillary Clinton. She has been working for women and children for the last 40 years including preventing child abuse and neglect while her opponent makes light of sexual assault.

What are you going to do about health care costs in Alaska?

We need to get a handle on health care costs in Alaska. We need to make health care fees transparent to the public as a start. This will allow patients the opportunity to be informed about what any procedure may cost as well as giving them the tools to shop around.

How do you get your health insurance and what's your monthly premium?

I receive my health insurance through the State of Alaska . My premium is about $220.

Should the state provide additional resources to help Alaskans with substance-abuse problems? If yes, what specifically?

We should provide a range of addiction treatment options for Alaskans struggling with substance abuse. The State of Alaska pays the high financial costs of addiction through the criminal justice system, emergency health care and child welfare costs of families struggling with addiction. People who find recovery save the state money in those areas but they also become contributing members of society. This double bottom line demonstrates that effective addiction treatment pays for itself.

Would you vote for legislation repealing, in whole or in part, the citizens initiative that legalized marijuana sales and consumption in 2014?


Does the Legislature's current organization of majority/minority caucuses work? Is there another way the Legislature could organize itself?

The current organization of majority and minority causes is not always constructive because it is more about power and control than good policy making. I am working towards the formation a true bipartisan majority with a mandate for working across the aisle for a real fiscal plan.

Should the law allow a lobbyist to buy you dinner if you are elected?
