Alaska News

Mattingley wins downhill

Darren Mattingley blazed down Far North Bicentennial Park's Dome trail in just more than nine minutes Friday night to win the Arctic Bicycle Club's harrowing Dome downhill. Mattingley needed 9 minutes, 6 seconds to scream down a trail that took mountain bikers about an hour to hike up in order to reach the start line. He beat runner-up Mark Elfstrom by nine seconds. Third-place Dan Nordendale, who clocked 9:41, was the only other racer to finish in less than 10 minutes.

The women's race was decided by three seconds. Rose Teisen finished in 15:23 to beat Carina Uraiqat, who at 15:26 was the only other woman to break the 16-minute barrier.

Arctic Bicycle Club

Dome downhill mountain bike race

Men -- 1) Darren Mattingley 9:06; 2) Mark Elfstrom 9:15; 3) Dan Nordendale 9:41; 4) Will Ross 10:18; 5) Greg Matyas 10:26; 6) Adam Robinson 10:33; 7) Brady Howell 10:34; 8) Chris Yelverton 10:38; 9) Jared Brooks 10:41; 10) Bruce Ross 11:06; 11) name not available 11:15; 12) John Weber 11:22; 13) Jason Hill 11:24; 14) Doug Grey 12:22; 15) Chris Dock 13:29; 16) Miguel Duarte 13:34; 17) Darrin Mason 18:50. Junior men -- 1) Jake Davis 22:48. Women -- 1) Rose Theisen 15:23; 2) Carina Uraiqat 15:26; 3) Daniel Rabinovitol 16:42; 4) Katherine Lindstrom 19:05.

Anchorage Daily News