Looking for a tasty gift idea for less?
From Jalapeno Blueberry Jam to Spruce Tip Jelly, Berry Delightful offers a variety of homemade jams and jellies that are made with berries picked by owner Laura MacDonald.
Talkeetna-based Berry Delightful offers more than 30 jams and jellies to choose from. MacDonald uses a combination of local, handpicked ingredients to delight the taste buds, such as lingonberries, blueberries, red and black currants, fireweed and rose hips, to name a few.
For $6 per jar, Berry Delightful products are practical holiday gifts for family, friends or coworkers. I stocked up on two of my favorite jams to give as gifts: Jalapeno Cranberry Jam, which pairs nicely with crackers and cream cheese, and Ruby Berry Jam (rhubarb with strawberries). Jams and jellies can be used for pancake toppings, sauce for meats or poultry or slathered on a slice of toast.
For the busy shopper, Berry Delightful will mail a limit of 12 jars per box.
Leave us a comment and let us know your favorite flavors of jams and jellies.
Box 465
Talkeetna, Alaska 99676
(907) 733-1026
Contact Kelly McLain at kelly(at)alaskadispatch.com.