Alaska Legislature

Alaska Legislature approves bid preference for companies that employ trained veterans

A new bill passed by the Alaska Legislature will give companies that employ participants of a military veteran reentry program an advantage in small contracts solicited by the state.

Senate Bill 154, approved 19-0 by the state Senate last month and 37-3 by the state House on Friday, says that a company that employs a graduate or participant in “a United States Department of Defense SkillBridge or United States Army career skills program” can get a bidder preference of up to $5,000 when competing for a state contract.

The bill also creates a “military and veteran help desk” under the Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

The help desk is supposed to be a central clearinghouse for questions that members of the military and their families have about Alaska and state services.

The help desk is also charged with making recommendations to state agencies on ways to improve services for veterans.

SB 154, sponsored by Sen. Bill Wielechowski, D-Anchorage, goes to Gov. Mike Dunleavy for final approval or veto.

Originally published by the Alaska Beacon, an independent, nonpartisan news organization that covers Alaska state government.