
Q&A with Alaska U.S. House candidate Nick Begich

The Anchorage Daily News asked candidates for U.S. House running in the special primary election to answer a series of questions. Read all of their responses here.

NICK BEGICH III*, Republican from Anchorage

What in your background qualifies you to represent Alaskans in Congress?

As a lifelong Republican, I have held a variety of professional and political roles with the intent of growing opportunity through entrepreneurship. I served as a co-chair for Rep. Don Young’s 2020 campaign and the Alaska Republican Party Finance Committee. Professionally, I have extensive experience in both corporate and startup settings and have been involved in managing businesses both in Alaska and around the world. As such, I’m uniquely qualified to make the business case for Alaska in Washington, D.C.

Why are you running for U.S. Congress in Alaska?

If we are going to successfully represent Alaska’s role in our nation to the rest of Congress, it will require someone to make what I call the “business case for Alaska.” I support resource development across the board, and I will never compromise on the freedoms guaranteed to each of us under the U.S. Constitution. I’m running for Congress to bring new energy and solutions to the job. I will work hard to provide the leadership and representation the people of Alaska deserve.

What would be your top priority if elected to Congress?

My top priority when elected is to create economic opportunities and generational wealth for the people of our great state. To do this, we must provide a compelling case to those in Congress that Alaska’s future is a core part of our nation’s future. Whether it’s oil and gas, critical minerals, timber, fishing, or tourism, Alaska provides the nation with a wealth of resources upon which we may build a healthy and stable economy, strong families, and a generation of leadership for our state.


What is your position on abortion?


If legislation came before the U.S. House that would guarantee the same abortion rights nationwide as the Roe v. Wade decision, how would you vote?


If you oppose abortion rights, how should the federal government support a person who is forced to carry their baby to term against their wishes?

With the Supreme Court set to return the issue of abortion to the states, each state will have the opportunity to determine the manner of such support.

Would you support a bill, if it came before the House, to expand the size of the U.S. Supreme Court? Why or why not?

No. Nine justices is sufficient to carry out the business of the court.

What do you think should be done by the federal government to address mass shootings?

While gun-related murders have declined by nearly 50% since the early ‘90s, more can be done to address the root causes. As a nation, we need to do more to destigmatize mental illness and improve access to mental health counseling and other resources. Additionally, many mass killings in our country are attributed to gang violence. We need to make sure that law enforcement is provided with the resources they need to crack down on gang activity.

Do you support gun control legislation? If so, what kind of measures would you support? If not, why not?

I oppose gun control legislation. I strongly support our Second Amendment rights and will defend our right to keep and bear arms.

*Note: Begich is one of several candidates who are also running in Alaska’s regular U.S. House primary election in August.