
Dunleavy recall group says it has 30% of needed signatures

JUNEAU — Two weeks after beginning signature-gathering efforts, the group attempting to remove Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy from office said it is 30% of the way toward its goal.

To call a statewide vote, petitioners need to gather signatures from 71,252 registered Alaska voters. On Monday morning, Recall Dunleavy said it has gathered 21,678 signatures.

Claire Pywell, campaign manager for the pro-recall group, said the speed of the signature-gathering is “a really strong first step” for the recall.

She said the group’s signature target is above 71,252 because the group wants a buffer in case some signatures are ruled invalid. She did not say how large of a buffer the group is seeking.

She also did not say when the campaign hopes to have all its signatures gathered. If the group turns in a sufficient number of signatures before April 19, the state would call a special election rather than placing the recall vote on the Aug. 18 statewide primary ballot.

“It’s as quickly as possible. I can’t give you a magic date,” Pywell said.

The Alaska Supreme Court is scheduled to consider the legality of the recall on March 25. Recall Dunleavy was scheduled to submit a written argument to the court by noon Monday.

Cynthia Henry, chair of Keep Dunleavy, a group opposing the recall, said by text message that her group is “staying the course to support the governor and oppose the recall. Our supporters will be ready to once again vote for Governor Dunleavy should the time come.”

James Brooks

James Brooks was a Juneau-based reporter for the ADN from 2018 to May 2022.