
Young votes against impeachment inquiry, calling it a ‘charade’

Alaska’s sole congressman on Thursday voted against continuing an investigation into whether President Donald Trump should be impeached.

The resolution passed 232-196, with two Democrats joining all Republicans in opposing it. It formally sets proceedings for the next phase of the impeachment process.

Alaska Rep. Don Young is the only sitting congressman to have been through three presidential impeachment inquiries. He voted in favor of inquiries into presidents Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.

In a written statement, Young said the current inquiry is a “political stunt by House Democrats.”

“This is not a question of whether there are sufficient grounds for impeachment, it is simply a sham vote to allow House Democrats to continue to trample on the longstanding impeachment process in the House. Everyone in this country deserves due process, but this vote is unfair and a total charade,” he said.

The inquiry has investigated whether Trump abused his office in order to pressure a foreign government to investigate domestic political opponents.

James Brooks

James Brooks was a Juneau-based reporter for the ADN from 2018 to May 2022.