
GOP candidate for governor says he has pancreatic cancer

Alaska Republican gubernatorial candidate Scott Hawkins announced Thursday that he is undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer.

In a written release, Hawkins said that he was diagnosed with cancer in February, and decided to disclose his battle with the disease once he learned that he will continue treatment into the summer, when the primary campaign will be in full swing.

"Alaskan voters deserve to know the whole picture," Hawkins said in the statement. "Also, I will need the understanding of Alaskans should I lose hair or should my schedule need to be adjusted."

Hawkins' "prospects for recovery are good," the statement said.

[Read: Hawkins' full statement on cancer diagnosis]

Hawkins, a businessman, is one of three leading contenders vying for the Republican gubernatorial primary nomination.

He is receiving treatment in Anchorage and at the Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, the statement said.

Laurel Andrews

Laurel Andrews was a reporter for the Anchorage Daily News, Alaska Dispatch News and Alaska Dispatch. She left the ADN in October 2018.