
Interactive map: How Alaska voted in the presidential election, precinct by precinct

This year's presidential results showed that America was a deeply divided nation, and the same goes for Alaska.

The state voted predominantly for Donald Trump, who took more than 51 percent (Clinton had just over 36 percent, with other candidates and write-ins accounting for the rest). But pockets of Alaska, particularly Native villages in rural parts of the state, swung heavily for Hillary Clinton.

In the Northwest Alaska village of Deering, Clinton took more than 90 percent, winning 30 of the village's 33 votes that went to the two major party candidates.

Anchorage was sharply split by neighborhood. With a few exceptions, the further north you go, the more the results tilted toward Clinton. The trend stopped abruptly at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, which voted strongly for Trump. South Anchorage precincts tended to be solid for Trump. Eagle River and Chugiak was Trump country; Girdwood was Clinton.

Large conservative swaths of the state, like the Kenai Peninsula and Mat-Su, went strongly for Trump, who got 85 percent of the 1,150 votes cast for either the GOP or Democratic nominee in Big Lake, outside Wasilla.

Even more skewed were the results in the community of Thorne Bay,  on Prince of Wales Island, the center of Southeast Alaska's diminishing timber industry.

Trump got 139 votes to Clinton's 18 there, while in the same state House district, the village of Angoon gave Trump 27 votes to Clinton's 110. The district, represented by Democratic Rep. Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins, went for Trump, who won by 400 votes over Clinton.


Kreiss-Tomkins said he thought the results demonstrated the diversity within his district. It includes established communities with daily jet service like Sitka and Petersburg, as well as isolated fishing towns, former logging camps, and Native villages — a range that's also reflected across the state.

"I think the district is so diverse politically because the communities are so diverse and different — their histories and racial composition and economy," Kreiss-Tomkins said in a phone interview. But politics are less polarized at a local level, he added: "I try to focus on the stuff that people agree on. And when you do that, I think you can bridge highly diverse constituencies as opposed to drive them away from each other."

Data source: Alaska Division of Elections. The map was produced with help from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources and the Alaska Geospatial Council. It doesn't include absentee or questioned votes, or those for third-party candidates.


Nathaniel Herz

Anchorage-based independent journalist Nathaniel Herz has been a reporter in Alaska for nearly a decade, with stints at the Anchorage Daily News and Alaska Public Media. Read his newsletter, Northern Journal, at natherz.substack.com