Letters to the Editor

Letter: Let’s rename Columbus, Ohio. Let’s call it Hammond.

Former Gov. Jay Hammond, shown near his Lake Clark home June 5, 1985, was a bush pilot and hunting guide who served two terms as Alaska's governor. (Erik Hill / Anchorage Daily News)

I find it interesting that the congressional delegates from Ohio are appalled that we would want to change the name of our great mountain back to Denali, its original name. I would suggest that Trump issue one more executive order changing the name of the capital city of Ohio from Columbus to the capital city of Hammond. I don’t question that McKinley may have been a great president, but most of us older Alaskans consider Jay Hammond to be one of our greatest governors. Having set foot on the mountain, it will always be Denali. Let’s see how appalled the delegates would be then.

— Dan Laughlin, Anchorage

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