Letters to the Editor

Letter: Defense of the damned

In his recent letter, “Pro-life and pro-death,” Ken Smith tries to rectify the paradox between those who claim to be “pro-life” but who also support the death penalty.

The issue is, the most stringent “prolife” proponents tend to justify their position in their understanding of the Christian Bible. But the life of Jesus teaches that it is not just the innocent unborn who are worthy of God’s love — it is also the living “sinner” who is worthy of God’s mercy.

I wonder if Mr. Smith, or others who are quick to condem the damned, have took the time to speak to those amongst us convicted of the worst offenses. I have met many of those charged and convicted of these offenses. While many of them have made horrific mistakes, they still embody humanity and their souls reflect the image of God.

To say that the unborn are worthy of protection due to their innocence, while condemning the “sinner,” misses the point of Jesus, who came to heal the broken and save the sinner. He who is without sin cast the first stone. Spoiler alert: It isn’t you.

— Lacey Jane Brewster, Anchorage

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