As we step into a new year, our community once again faces the heartbreaking prospect of closing schools within the Fairbanks North Star Borough. While these decisions officially fall to the school board, I believe the borough assembly has a critical role to play in addressing this issue proactively. It’s time for bold and collaborative action to ensure the long-term viability of our schools.
First, we must advocate for changes to state funding formulas that disproportionately disadvantage rural and lower-enrollment schools. Partnering with other boroughs, such as Mat-Su, the assembly could push for expanded funding flexibility and adjustments to local contribution limits, empowering communities to better support their schools.
In the immediate term, the borough assembly should step in to increase local contributions within the bounds of the tax cap. With the state legislature and governor failing to adequately fund education, it is imperative that we prioritize our children. Utilizing additional budget flexibility could help cover operational costs and prevent closures.
Longer-term solutions also deserve attention. The assembly could establish dedicated funding streams or allocate surplus funds to support under-enrolled schools. Exploring new revenue sources — such as targeted levies or grants — would further strengthen local education funding.
Beyond finances, we must engage the community more deeply. Town halls could provide a forum for discussing alternative solutions, such as grade reconfiguration or administrative consolidation. Collaboration between the assembly and school board could galvanize public support and uncover innovative ideas to preserve our schools.
Finally, cost-saving measures like shared services and energy-efficient retrofits could reduce operational expenses and redirect funds where they are most needed — keeping our schools open.
By adopting a multi-pronged approach, the Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly has an opportunity to demonstrate leadership and commitment to our community’s future. Let’s put our children first, protect their education and ensure that every student in our borough has access to the high-quality schools they deserve.
— Jacqueline Muehlbauer, Fairbanks
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