Letters to the Editor

Letter: Pro-life and pro-death

In your Dec. 31 edition, Spruce Lynch asks how one can be both pro-life and pro-death penalty.

This seeming paradox is not complex. A fetus is innocent. Further, that fetus has the potential to be another Beethoven, Einstein, Kin, or just a regular person. I am an accident as my parents were well into their 30s when I was born. I thank God they loved me enough to allow my existence.

In contrast, a murdering, torturing, remorseless rapist must face the consequences of such behavior, including, as adjudged by a lawful court, life in prison or execution. Thus, there is not really a paradox. Death is a logical outcome for one whose habitual behavior indicates no contemplation for the lives of others.

In my personal view, I would prefer to see repeat murderers sentenced to life in prison with no hope for parole. That is tantamount to a living death.

— Ken Smith, Anchorage

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