Jim Lieb argues in a letter (Dec. 31) that Alaskans should vote on McKinley vs. Denali.” But why just Alaskans, why not all Americans? After all, it belongs to the whole country.
Or, on the other hand — since he points out that not all Alaska Natives called the mountain “Denali” — why not open up to more choices, and let all Alaska Natives decide? It was their mountain before it became ours.
Personally I grew up when Denali was called McKinley, and I still easily slip into that usage. But I seriously doubt that President McKinley actually gets the high rating that Mr. Lieb ascribes to “many political historians.” It’s true that he pushed high tariffs — and therefore has gotten current mention from Donald Trump — is that the motivation here? Should we change the name to curry favor with Mr. Trump?
[Are we really having another conversation about Denali vs. McKinley?]
Mr. Lieb approvingly quotes McKinley as saying, “We want no wars of conquest; we must avoid the temptation of territorial aggression.” But Mr. Lieb contradictorily also notes McKinley “leading the nation to victory in the Spanish-American War in 1898,” that is, when we conquered Cuba and the Philippines, and attempted, through years of bloody warfare, to maintain control of the latter. I wonder which of these — words or actions — Mr. Lieb thinks we should value higher?
— Rick Wicks, Anchorage (Dec. 31) that Alaskans should vote on McKinley vs. Denali.” But why just Alaskans, why not all Americans? After all, it belongs to the whole country.
Or, on the other hand — since he points out that not all Alaska Natives called the mountain “Denali” — why not open up to more choices, and let all Alaska Natives decide? It was their mountain before it became ours.
Personally I grew up when Denali was called McKinley, and I still easily slip into that usage. But I seriously doubt that President McKinley actually gets the high rating that Mr. Lieb ascribes to “many political historians.” It’s true that he pushed high tariffs — and therefore has gotten current mention from Donald Trump — is that the motivation here? Should we change the name to curry favor with Mr. Trump?
Mr. Lieb approvingly quotes McKinley as saying, “We want no wars of conquest; we must avoid the temptation of territorial aggression.” But Mr. Lieb contradictorily also notes McKinley “leading the nation to victory in the Spanish-American War in 1898,” that is, when we conquered Cuba and the Philippines, and attempted, through years of bloody warfare, to maintain control of the latter. I wonder which of these — words or actions — Mr. Lieb thinks we should value higher?
— Rick Wicks, Anchorage
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