Stan Jones’ Jan. 1 letter to the editor (“Dave Barry needs to keep it shorter” describes his displeasure in longtime humorist writer Dave Barry’s annual Year in Review commentary as being long and tedious. Personally, I find Barry’s annual insights and observations of our country and human nature in general to be quite amusing. I appreciate how his monthly calendar timeline jogs my memory of recent national idiosyncrasies, shortcomings, dilemmas, predicaments, etc., on an annual basis without being biased toward political siding. His review does appear to get longer each year, but it’s not his fault. Life is a lot messier than it used to be. If lengthy newspaper reading is a burden, just turn the page to find one of several other “shorter” quagmires to read about in the daily news. Like war, and mass shootings, and starving children. Bet those won’t be nearly as funny. Thank you, ADN, for your continued support of one of the few great commentators left who continues to make us smile.
— Debra Riner, Chugiak
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