I have a little disagreement with a couple articles in the ADN Jan. 1 newspaper. In the article, “5 things to watch for in 2025 economy,” the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics was quoted as saying, “I suspect the luster of the economy is going to come off in 2025.” Luster, in the dictionary, is defined as brightness, sheen, glory. I don’t know what economy is being referred to, but it’s not the one I’m living in. It might be a little better than a couple years ago, but the Biden administration had to destroy what we had in the Trump administration to make claim to making it better. What?
The second article I have to point out a remark that I disagree with is in the article by Yereth Rosen titled “Bid opening for ANWR oil lease sale delayed by a day.” It was stated “Trump claimed, falsely, that the area could hold more oil than Saudi Arabia.” First of all, he didn’t say that it would or did. He said that it “could.” And second, why is Trump’s remark false? There has been only ONE well drilled in ANWR. And those records are tightly sealed. Who gave this writer information to be the judge whether Trump’s remark was false?
— Dennis Seyler, Kenai
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