Letters to the Editor

Letter: Anchorage alcohol ID checks hardly a ‘feel good’ measure

The ADN editorial board recently used its precious column inches to castigate the Anchorage Assembly for requiring ID checks at bars and restaurants. As if this issue is anywhere near the most vital matter capturing their attention.

Anchorage Assembly’s recent ordinance requiring ID checks at bars and restaurants simply aligns these establishments with liquor store standards, ensuring consistency in protecting minors, improving compliance with state red-stripe laws and upholding responsible service. It’s hardly a “feel-good” measure but rather a simple step to close a gap in public safety.

If addressing alcohol-related issues isn’t a priority for some, they might benefit from attending one of Anchorage’s free daily Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. A schedule can be found at anchorageaa.org.

As for bigger problems, ADN editorial board, we’re working on those too. Thanks for your concern.

— Christopher Constant

Anchorage Assembly Chair

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