Letters to the Editor

Letter: Here we go again

Are Jim Minnery and his cohort still a thing? Admittedly, I haven’t been paying attention this election cycle as closely as I might due to the uncommon degree of noise and madness, but Sunday’s piece giving that guy oxygen to air his grievances against Judge Adolf Zeman did catch my attention.

It states without shame that what Jim and his tacky megachurch coalition are really after is using what paltry money the state is able to dedicate to educational allotments in order to fund private religious schools for radicalizing children. Aside from the fact that Mr. Minnery’s is the Taliban model for education and also violates our Founding Fathers’ stricture to maintain a separation between church and state, it is also antithetical to the notion that the public weal shall be dedicated to the support and maintenance of all citizens, not simply those who can pass weird purity tests.

Judge Zeman very clearly puts his obligation to all Alaskans first, in both word and deed. Mr. Minnery, by contrast, would creepily rummage your pockets to fund what is essential despite being nominally Christian, private madrassas.

I think let’s sensibly re-affirm Judge Zeman to continue his good work on our behalf, and not stupidly cede initiative to the cadres who believe Jesus is mad because you don’t believe the world was rolled out over seven days.

— Tom Pillifant


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