Letters to the Editor

Letter: Help me understand

Election Day is near. Many of us have already voted. For me, the choices were clear, vote for candidates with integrity and experience who care about all of the people in Alaska and our country. Mary Peltola and Kamala Harris meet those qualifications.

When Donald Trump was elected, I was asked by a reporter how I felt about the news. My comment was that I felt extremely sad that so many of my fellow citizens cared so little about each other that they could vote for the man who ridiculed a handicapped reporter and talked about grabbing women by their private parts. It seems clear to me that Trump cares nothing for anyone who does not bow down to him. His comments during his campaign events have only become more offensive since then.

My questions for Trump supporters are: Are you voting for him out of greed because you think somehow you will get more money in your pocket, or because you are so afraid of people of color blending into our nation, ignoring the fact that many businesses can’t find workers? Are you one of the people who think you should control women’s reproductive choices, but can’t stand Tim Walz’s idea that all children deserve a good meal in school daily? Do you claim to be “pro-life,” but are OK with women dying because they can’t get necessary medical care? Are you a person who is so afraid that you can’t go to a grocery store without being armed and are unwilling to give up your automatic rifles for the chance that fewer children will die in school shootings?

I would like to thank Sen. Lisa Murkowski for endorsing Mary Peltola recognizing that people from opposing parties can work together for the betterment of Alaska. If you are one of the people who just don’t know enough about Kamala Harris to support her, read her book, “The Truths We Hold,” which tells about her life and beliefs. Listen to her speak and hear her passion for moving forward with joy and hard work. This election is critical to our future and the future of our children and grandchildren. Let’s elect people who will be positive role models for us all.

— Sue Gilleland


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