Letters to the Editor

Letter: A confusing tie

If you are not a multimillionaire or billionaire; if you follow Christ’s command that we love our neighbor (including immigrants); if you value honesty, integrity and fidelity; if you prefer democracy over autocracy; if you support the U.S.

Constitution; if you are put off by narcissism and megalomania; if you want individual freedom to make your own health decisions (a traditional GOP value); if you were sickened by the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol; if you believe good character is important in a president; and if you agree with any, some or all of these statements, then how could you possibly support Donald Trump?

I assume that the vast majority of Alaskans and Americans identify with these values. Yet I keep hearing that Trump and Kamala Harris are neck and neck in the polls. How can that be? I find it bewildering. Please support American democracy and do not vote for Donald Trump.

— Jim Fredrickson


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