Letters to the Editor

Letter: Whom do you trust?

Looking ahead toward future catastrophes, whom do you trust to handle them well? The president who delayed relief efforts for weeks when Puerto Rico was devastated by a hurricane, then handed out paper towels, or the vice-president who seeks to mitigate the effects of such future events by attacking the root causes of climate change?

Whom do you trust to secure our borders? The one who said he would build a wall and have Mexico pay for it — but did not succeed in stopping the flow of refugees and later torpedoed the bipartisan plan for immigration so that he would have something to campaign about?

Or the candidate who not only seeks to pass bipartisan immigration bills but also seeks to influence the nations that send refugees to improve their standard of living and safety of their citizens such that they no longer have such need to flee their countries for safety and livelihood?

For foreign policy, do you trust the one who fawns over authoritarian figures and is known for careless handling of state secrets or the one who wants to support Ukraine against the treaty-breaking aggression by Vladimir Putin?

Which do you trust?

The one known for spewing lies or the one who relies upon hard scientific evidence? The one who demands loyalty but does not prove loyal in return, or the one who gives loyalty rather than demanding it?

— Alex Koponen



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