Letters to the Editor

Letter: Fighting for working Alaskans

As a mother, grandmother and paralegal, I’ve spent years fighting for the same things you care about — strong schools, affordable child care and economic security for families. Education isn’t just a campaign talking point for me; it’s personal. As the first in my family to attend and graduate from college, I know firsthand how access to quality education can transform lives and open doors for future generations. I’ve watched as our teachers — who give so much of themselves — are left wondering how they’ll make ends meet in retirement. This has to change.

To attract and retain the quality teachers Alaska needs, we must ensure that those who dedicate their lives to educating our youth can retire with dignity and financial security.

We also need to address one of the most critical issues facing working families: access to affordable child care. When parents can’t find or afford quality care for their children, they’re forced out of the workforce, putting their stability and our economy at risk. Expanding child care access is about investing in Alaska’s future workforce. Every parent deserves the opportunity to pursue their career without sacrificing their children’s well-being, and every child deserves an environment that supports their growth and development. Unlike the incumbent in this race, I won’t turn a blind eye to the needs of working families. I’ll fight for real solutions that ensure every family has the support they need to succeed.

For the past 10 months, we’ve built a campaign focused on the issues that matter most to everyday Alaskans. Our hard work paid off when we won the August primary election, showing that the issues we’ve championed truly resonate with voters.

With your support, we can strengthen our schools, protect our freedoms, work to provide the competitive retirement benefits our teachers and public employees deserve and expand child care access.

We can do better than the status quo, and together, we can build a better Alaska for everyone.

I’d be honored if you would rank me first on Nov. 5.


— Janice Park

Candidate for Alaska State Senate, District F


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