Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murkowski and permitting reform

For years, our outdated and often burdensome federal permitting process has hindered the advancement of 21st-century infrastructure –– causing unnecessary delays, lengthy judicial reviews, and escalating the costs for critical projects.

This broken system continues to leave important projects — ranging from energy production to infrastructure improvements — stalled, with communities across Alaska and the nation ultimately paying the price.

However, a recent bipartisan effort in Congress, the Energy Permitting Reform Act, is offering much-needed change. This legislation, spearheaded by Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV), Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), and Sen.

Lisa Murkowski on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, represents a significant step forward in streamlining the permitting process for a wide range of energy projects. From traditional oil and gas to renewables like wind, solar criticalmineral development, geothermal and hydro, these efforts will directly impact energy

development and infrastructure projects essential for our future.

The bill advances commonsense and much-needed reforms, including overturning the Bidenadministration’s shortsighted LNG export permitting ban, improving the permitting processes for renewable energy projects on federal lands, advancing critical infrastructure like transmission lines and enhancing the development of critical minerals. The bill also takes important steps to expedite the judicial review period for permitting energy and mineral projects from six years to 150 days – ensuring projects move forward without unnecessary delays. In Alaska, where energy, infrastructure, and resource development are vital to our economy, reforming the permitting process is critical. The status quo has long been a barrier to investment and progress. With these reforms, we can expect a more efficient, predictable process that will encourage development, create jobs, and enhance our energy security — without compromising environmental protections.

I want to thank Sen. Murkowski for her leadership in championing this important issue. Her commitment to fixing the broken permitting process will not only benefit Alaska but the entire nation. This legislation will help bring about more reliable, affordable, and cleaner American- made energy while supporting our communities and local economies.


— Carol Ashlock


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