Letters to the Editor

Letter: Peltola's demoralizing non-answer

What a disappointment to read in today’s ADN online edition that Mary Peltola won’t publiclyendorse a candidate for president because, in her words, “both candidates are flawed.” This statement brings to mind Donald Trump’s quote that, “there are good people on both sides” after the horrific neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville, Virginia that left a demonstrator dead.

It’s astonishing and demoralizing to us that Peltola doesn’t have the wherewithal to come out and support the candidate who champions inclusiveness, integrity, kindness, and decency over the alternative who possesses none of these. We assume she feels that she has the Democratic vote in the bag so she can play the middle ground with national politics, but some times in life you need to take stand, and this election is one of them.

— Mark and Mary Miner


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