Letters to the Editor

Letter: Keep open primaries

As a nonpartisan voter, I appreciate ranked choice voting. Before RCV and open primaries, I arrived at the primary polls and was asked, “Do you want the Republican on Democratic ballot?” If I wished to vote for candidates of both parties, it was not possible.

The current political ads promoting a “no” vote on Ballot Measure 2 saying military members will be denied the right to vote in a primary are correct if those military members wish to vote a mixed ballot.

Without RCV and open primaries, everyone is forced to choose a party ballot.

I’m voting no on Ballot Measure 2 to protect our right to vote as we choose.

I also appreciate that RCV brings us candidates who appeal to a wider range of voters rather than radical left or right.

Please vote no on Ballot Measure 2.

— Billie Hardy



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