Letters to the Editor

Letter: Dunleavy's anti-school crusade

Can someone please explain how it is that a former principal and superintendent of schools and now governor became an anti-public education leader? I’m referring to Gov.

Mike Dunleavy taking out ads to “Stop government overreach in education.”

I would prefer ads to stop the government’s abandonment of education.

Stories abound that Gov. Dunleavy was an unpopular superintendent in the Northwest Arctic School District. So, is this retribution against teachers and principals who opposed him? Is this all about zealotry to have all education delivered by church-based schools? Does he really believe teachers are overpaid and coddled? Is he simply a pawn in the Koch brothers’ game to end all things government?

What turned the tide for this man who is now doing so much damage to our future?

— William Dann


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