Letters to the Editor

Letter: Better representation

During this election cycle, all 40 seats in the Alaska House of Representatives are up for election. This is an opportunity for voters to measure incumbents and determine if they’ve kept promises made or whether it’s time for a change. The race for House District 27 is one where voters have a legitimate choice between an incumbent with no accomplishments in four terms and a challenger with a proven track record during the last three years on the Mat-Su School Board. That challenger is Jubilee Underwood.

In the three years she has served on the school board, Jubilee accomplished everything she promised she would, but the current representative can’t say the same. In nearly eight years in the State House, he introduced more than 140 measures that he has not managed to advance to the House floor for a vote. However, during the last session, he did manage to frequently vote with the Democratic minority caucus, including voting for a significantly reduced Permanent Fund dividend.

The current representative was one of three key “nay” votes in 2022 that shot down paying a full PFD. That critical vote took more than $1 billion out of Alaskans’ pockets and the private sector. To add insult to injury, his adversarial approach towards his fellow colleagues has left him in a minority of one and gotten him removed from the only policy committee of which he was a member. Clearly, the Mat-Su deserves a change. In contrast, Jubilee will be a true representative of the Mat-Su by working with others to move Alaska forward. She embraces fiscal responsibility, a statutory PFD, lowering or preventing taxes and limiting government spending. She is committed to defending parental choice in schools. She has committed to defending our constitutional rights and cracking down on crime.

Jubilee will stand steadfast to common sense principles and accomplish what she is elected to do, just as she has during her time on the school board.

— Ron Johnson


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