Letters to the Editor

Letter: Irresponsible spending

Since reading Laura S. Gould’s letter of Sept. 30 about the number of high-end vehicles in the queue for food assistance, I’m somewhat surprised at the lack of responses and decided that I must respond, as I have also noticed the lack of judgment so many people show in their purchasing decisions.

Costco is crowded by people filling their carts with expensive seafood and meat, as well as premade meals, on what is caustically referred to as “SNAP Day,” while those of us who were required to take home economics classes in school can’t bring ourselves to buy any of that due to the lessons drilled into us about frugal budgeting/shopping and preparation of balanced meals on pennies a day — literally.

What would it take to bring some of that education back into our schools and to bring Cooperative Extension Service programs back to Anchorage? I’m pleased to see that the military has begun teaching some home economics to the troops and families; maybe that will catch on.

— Bernadine Raiskums


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