Letters to the Editor

Letter: Your vote matters

Mendacity, amnesia, consequences: All these matter as we prepare to vote for the future, notonly for the country but for our children and grandchildren. We are living in a world where we are each other and interconnected.

Choices made must not be with Scotch-tape thinking, but rather with long-term visionary impact that can imagine a better scenario for the common good and where each person holds the potential for positive possibilities and solutions.

The scaffold for informed voters should be that we make decisions based on a knowledge of history, civics, ethics, critical thinking and respect and dignity for ourselves and others. It seems ever since the news became also entertainment making ratings for sheer profit by media and Madison Avenue, we find ourselves at a difficult crossroads where blatant lies are acceptable. Our memories are dimmed and outcomes are not considered, such as pulling out of the Paris Accords, allowing climate change to become even more dire and ending the agreement with Iran, allowing nuclear power to be developed for destructive and dangerous purposes.

As John F. Kennedy said: “I am certain that after the dust of centuries has passed over our cities, we, too, will be remembered not for victories or defeats in battle or in politics, but for our contribution to the human spirit.”

My personal hopeful aspiration is the world’s economies will one day not continue to be based on military-industrial complexes and driven by fossil fuels. And I hope we all take to heart and mind that democracy requires constant vigilance and is not a “spectator sport.” Your vote is important.

— Sandy Harper


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