Letters to the Editor

Letter: 2020 election misinformation

How can so many voters be so misinformed? The 2020 election was fair and secure.

Republicans filed 62 cases in states where Donald Trump had lost the election, claiming that the 2020 election was stolen.

Of those 62 cases, 61 were dismissed for lack of standing, and others were dismissed based on the merits of voter fraud. Once the courts in these states where Trump had lost didn’t pursue any of these cases, I knew the elections were safe and secure.

In March of 2023, Dominion Voting Systems sued Fox News for $1.6 billion, claiming that Fox had aired allegations against the Dominion voting machines that rigged the election for Biden while all along knowing that these allegations were false. Fox settled with Dominion for $787.5 million instead of facing a trial.

Many people have complained about Dominion Voting Systems, but these complaints are based on false reporting. Fox ended up paying Dominion Voting Systems instead of facing the scrutiny of a trial that would bring more attention to the false reporting they had been doing surrounding Dominion Voting machines.

The film “2000 Mules” claimed voter fraud occurred during the 2020 election. In February, the group (True Vote) behind the making of the movie could not come up with any evidence that the state of Georgia asked them to present substantiating any of their claims. Salem Media Group, which put out the movie and book, settled with a defendant from the film for an undisclosed sum and took the movie and book off their platform in May 2024.

The people who produced and made the movie admitted they had no evidence to back up the information in the movie.


Elections are the cornerstone of our democracy, and if you attack the integrity of elections, which many people have, you should be sure you know the facts because the future of our democracy depends on it. This election went through many tests to validate its integrity and came out clean. But as we know, a lie can travel much further than the truth — we just have to continue speaking the truth. Don’t let your voices be silent.

— Alex Koplin


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