Letters to the Editor

Letter: The Dunleavy way

On Sept. 21, the ADN editorial board asked “Why is Alaska dropping the ball on federal funding?” My question is, is this even a question? The answer is obvious: Because we have a corrupt and incompetent governor, and his appointees are not chosen for competence but for allegiance to political ideologies.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy has shown time and again that his concern is not for Alaskans, and the refusal by him and his education commissioner, for example, to do the work to fix the problem is a case in point — they just hide behind some silly statements.

The person who spoke for the Department of Transportation actually tried to gaslight us all and tell us actually, they were thrilled to get less. Yes, I’m sure she was. That’s the Dunleavy way — less of everything, but for parents of school age kids or those who need to travel on Alaska’s roads, not so much.

— Shawn O’Donnell


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