Letters to the Editor

Letter: Short-lived hope

Well, that did not last long. In 2022, we had a choice of Sarah Palin or Mary Peltola. Many Alaskans had had enough of Palin’s antics and hoped a new face would work for us. I believe that most Alaskans want one thing from the people we vote for: integrity. Work for Alaska, not your political party or your personal ego, and don’t lie to us.

The Peltola campaign would like us to believe that the decision to proceed on the North Slope Willow project was made in her office; it was not. The decision was made in Houston, Texas, at the ConocoPhillips headquarters, not in Washington, D.C.

“Protection for Alaska fisheries” — what does that mean? The seafood industry in Alaska is in disarray, processors are closing around the state, and dock prices for seafood (with a few exceptions) are stuck at 1990 prices, while costs have increased substantially. What “protection” did the first-term congresswoman come up with? She secured the Railbelt energy future; how did she convince the electricity producers to reduce their dependence on oil and natural gas?

Alaskans are back to choosing the “lesser of two evils” with the upcoming election in November; it’s a shame the hope did not last longer.

— Steven Russell


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