Letters to the Editor

Letter: Fix road deaths

It’s sad. So many people killed crossing the street.

Wrecks all over town, people killed. Highways and roads closed for hours; traffic stalled because of so many wrecks every day. All the time, every week.

Wrecks caused by blatant red light running, zooming through yellow lights, texting while driving, tailgating, swerving in and out of traffic, no turn signals, talking on the phone.

Put driver’s education back in school so drivers learn the laws, instead of relying on the teaching of an older brother, mom, dad, auntie, or whoever teaches new drivers all of their bad habits.

Start enforcing the traffic laws we have. Start writing $100 tickets. Don’t make the police sit in court for tickets — we have cameras. I bet people would start paying attention. Lives get saved, traffic flows better, and insurance goes down.

What’s the problem?

— Barbara Reilly



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