Letters to the Editor

Letter: Against the Ambler Road

In light of the recent article on Sens. Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski’s perspective of the proposed Ambler Road project, here is my view. This is beautiful land. God’s country! My spouse and sons, and now our grandson, go on their annual trip to that very spot this road will potentially obliterate. This is a 1,000-year-old tradition.

This road will stampede right through lands 90 miles upriver from where we live.

You hear repeatedly about the last of the pristine lands in Alaska (or anywhere, now), yet we know this does not resonate with legislators, much less foreign companies. It is no secret that the very people supporting this road are the people (entities) who will be filling their own pockets. Meanwhile, lifelong residents will not receive anything, unless you count the steady decline of wildlife and fish, an increase in air/water vehicles that will not tread lightly on any animal, and the influx of people working the areas and floating down the rivers. There is no way the esteemed legislators will be able to monitor the road or maintain it, for that matter.

As a loyal constituent of my area, I am sad over the intensity of the need to develop the lands, and I am totally disheartened by legislators who care more about dollar amounts, and their power to override sound decisions by competent human beings who consider our input. I do not concern myself with dependence on other countries. I worry about the people and land where we are.

If Sullivan’s dream comes true, the damage to our area and lifestyle will be life-changing. Are we so bad off that we need another mining area? Many people think that what is in operation now is sufficient. There is no need for the destruction of any more land/wildlife.

There is cause for concern everywhere in this project. The biggest, in my view, is that elected officials have turned away from representing the people and dived headfirst into greed and groveling at the feet of outside entities. This is my appeal to legislators/elected officials; take care of your humanitarian side and protect the last of pristine lands. Future generations deserve that.

My view is if we can stall construction of the road, our future generations will be better equipped to deal with it. Still, I’m concerned about their ability to face such adversity.


— Jessie Bergman-David


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