Letters to the Editor

Letter: Party over country?

I’m confused how anyone who loves our country can support the Republican Party’s nominees for president and vice president. The party has allowed itself to be overtaken and be held hostage by the MAGA extremists and their leaders.

Had the Republican Party endorsed a more centrist candidate like former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, I believe they would currently be running away with this election. I encourage party devotees to put your country before your party and write in a deserving republican. I hope that doing so will save the Republican Party from itself. Let’s not free the hateful Jan. 6, 2021, insurrectionists and their leaders as “patriots.”

Our founding fathers are counting on us to cast an informed vote; Benjamin Franklin once said the best form of government for the U.S. was “a republic, if you can keep it.” I’m hopeful.

— Scott Grundy


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