Letters to the Editor

Letter: Housing solutions

The Municipality of Anchorage released a Health and Homelessness Strategy on Sept. 18. In response to that document and previous letters to the editor of this paper requesting solutions to our city’s homelessness crisis, we would like to share about our school project.

The 7th-grade students of Anchorage STrEaM Academy are currently building one off the grid, eight-by-eight unit to temporarily house one to two people until they get on their feet. Our unit will be insulated and have a window and a locking door to ensure safety, comfort and warmth. We have spent about $5,000 on supplies and materials for this project, which we consider to be a competitive budget for a unit of non-congregate temporary housing.

We hope to inspire others to do similar things to help our city and would welcome information about what else the homeless may need for a good life.

— Zebulon Holsopple, Richard Bierer and Michael Dickerson

Teachers, STrEaM Academy


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