Letters to the Editor

Letter: Trump's age and performance

President Joe Biden had a bad night on his presidential debate. He was sick, jet-lagged and, yes, older. And after 50 years of public service with a spectacular list of accomplishments, he was treated like a clueless fool.

Then there was another debate. One where Donald Trump lied again and again. Called people horrible names. Completely lost his mind over immigrants, over and over. Lied some more and then went off about the size of his rallies.

There was no promised thoughthrough programs. There were no promises made at all — wait, there was one; he said he’s going to take America back. My god, no one really knows what that means. It’s such a ridiculous pledge.

So, at 78, Trump is old. Has no list of meaningful accomplishments. He did give millionaires and billionaires tax breaks that cost the government billions of dollars.

His performance in a one-on-one debate was vindictive, vile, outrageous, disgusting, thoughtless, clueless and incompetent, bordering on slanderous. Where is the outrage about his performance?

How can anyone believe this out-of-control old man should be president? Saying it was not his best night is giving him a pass. If people rip the president for being old and not really up to another term, why not be fair and say the exact same thing about Trump?

The one huge exception was that one has served America for a half-century; the other has lied his way to a nomination by doing nothing.


— Gregory Carr


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