Letters to the Editor

Letter: Lies and empty promises

I would like to ask the voting public if they condone what Donald Trump and JD Vance are doing to the city of Springfield, Ohio, based upon a lie that Vance has admitted making up about immigrants. The Haitians living there cane here legally and have been working and living in Springfield for at least five years.

Because of the hateful rhetoric of Trump/Vance, schools and government offices have had to close, police presence has had to be increased due to bomb threats, and hate groups such as the Proud Boys and KKK are terrorizing the town and threatening Democratic poll workers. Now Trump is even threatening to come to Springfield, against the wishes of the town government, which would cause additional strife and costs to the city and its citizens.

Sadly, I feel this is a preview of what would happen in our country should we have the misfortune of a second Trump term. Trump and Vance are so desperate that they now are promising anything they can say to win without any concrete plan of how they would accomplish what they are promising without severely increasing the deficit. It is time for all voting Americans to vote to save our democracy and the incredible country we call home. Check the facts behind the rhetoric, not just one viewpoint, and make a choice for America, not just a political party.

— Donna Steinfort

Eagle River

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