Letters to the Editor

Letter: A worthwhile play

Amidst all the doom and gloom reporting, the chaos of a contentious election and an economy which, let’s face it, could be better, it is nice to have a silver lining somewhere.

Recently, patrons have been able to see some hope in the latest play put on by Midnight Sun Theatre. “Leave Your Fears Here” is a one-man, 90-minute play that takes us through a family’s biggest fear, childhood cancer. But in the end, we are reminded that hope and healing are within reach and that not all such stories end sadly.

The play is written and performed by former Anchorage actor James Morrison, from the TV drama “24″ as well as other film and television roles. In it, he recounts his real-life journey withhis son Seamus, which ultimately ends in a more enlightened life. James has brought the show to his hometown of Anchorage to further develop the script and share the story.

As well, he is sharing the message of Katie’s Handprint, a local charity that provides financial support to families facing the heartache of childhood cancer.

If you are looking for something to do this weekend that will uplift your spirit, I urge you to check out this performance.

— David Block

Owner, Midnight Sun Theatre



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